Inti Charity 68 hours SQUASHATHON 2008
Date:13th November 2008(Thursday) ~
14th November 2008(Sunday)
Time:2p.m to 10a.m
Venue:Inti-UC squash court
Participants:90 people
About this event?
Have you ever heard "SQuashathon",i believe that you will ask "what is that?".Actually ,squashathon is squash marathon.The first squash marathon was carried out in Malaysia was on 15 july 2005 ,it was also in INTI uc.And the duration was 42 hours.For sure, this event only can get in INTI which organize by Inti squash club.Squashathon is endorse by Malaysia book of record,that why it plays an important role in this event .SRANS(Squash racket association Negeri Sembilan) also support us and sent their player to join us. In order to break the previous record,so, this year we had organized "Charity 68 hours SQUASHATHON 2008".The objectives for this year was quite diffent with the previous squashaton.In this year,we not only want to break the previous record,but we also co-operate with NKF(National kidney Foundation).We will collected all the money from all participants and the person who would like to do charity.I believe that you will not regret after join squashathon.While play squash while help person.Besides those objectives,to promote squash also one of the the objective.We also can get chance to gather all the social player,state player and National player to play squash together.To make this squashaton became more interesting ,so we decided made it as tournament.Following is the rules of the match:
American scoring system, 30 mins without rest, try to win more games and points as many as you able.The highest point in this squashathon will be the winner. top 10 players will reward souvenirs.
Squashaton 08 was sponsored by:DUNLOP(main sponsor),Nilai sports and etc.....During squashaton we also had movie screening and gaming to let our player to enjoy it,when they waiting for their turn.
Satisfied or not satisfied to this event?
If you all ask me whether satified to this event or not?I will say i am satisfied it.Because the event was success carried out with 90 players only,besides it was the first time for our new committee without any experince to do it.Congratulation Guys!!!We made it!!!Although,in the first day of the event,was mess up and confusing,at following days we gradually hadled it and familiar with it.Of course,we got encountered a little bit problem,but we success to cope it.and take it as experince, next time do it better than this.
What did i do for this event?
First of all, i would like to thank for our OC Darren tan, gave me a chance as a Programming Master who to arrange the schedule and the flow of the event for the squashathon.This post is quite challenge and interesting.I like this post very much.At begining really scared couldn't handle it,luckily got helped by everyone.I also feel guilty that some of staff was done by oc.Anyway thank ya..hehe!!!At the same time, i also one of the participant.I enjoyed the game very much......
That days,i felt happy because i can meet all my friends and new friends who come from others Uni.Nice to meet u all.....
DR.LEE FAH ONN was having a speech during open ceremony..
Receiving Malaysia book of record certificate
Donation fo NKF

Top 10 for boy category
Top 10 for girl category
Yahoo....we made it!!
Next Record?90 hours??100 hours??168 hours???world record??..
come on guys...LET DO IT!!!